Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Tragic Event

A friend of mine suffered a major vintage loss today in her Antique Mall Booth.   Mid-century dishes of all shapes and sizes were lost in this event, so to you vintage dealers out there, I beg thee, please stabilize your shelves, anchor your bookcases, and send some love out to Alison of AZ Vintage.

All photos courtesy of Alison at AZ Vintage. 

You'll be happy to know that no one was hurt in this great tragedy, except, of course, Mr. Homer Laughlin and some of his midcentury pals.  There was a pile of surprising survivors.  Visit Alison's Facebook page to see the happy ending.  I hear rumors that salvaged ceramic pendants will be made!

Have you had a similarly hear-breaking vintage tragedy? Please share it in the comments section!

Until next time,


  1. I gasped when I saw the first picture. That is TERRIBLE. Really.I'm so sorry.

  2. That must be heartbreaking to loose so much stock all at once. I do feel for her

  3. oh nooo! that's so terribly tragic. i had a rolling rack full of delicate dress collapse overnight one time, luckily the only casuality was some bead loss on one amazing 60s dress, although it was in mint condition before the collapse!

  4. Doesn't vintage carnage like this just hurt your heart a little?! I've collapsed two rolling racks so far! Fortunately, no casualties, but those things are crappy!
