Saturday, April 23, 2011

Silken Obsessions

Lately I've been 100% incapable of resisting anything silk for the Etsy shop.  As spring rolls around, I'm reminded of the hot summer days that are sure to come, and I just can't think of a better material than silk to wrap myself in for the summer months.  Silk, of course, requires some extra care and attention, but it's so worth it.  Just think of the soft little tickles of a silk dress around your knees in a summer breeze...  { I wrote that poem on the fly }  Without further adieu, here's some silky goodness that has been added to the shop recently!

I have an arm-full of silk scarves and some more great silk dresses waiting in the queue, so if you love silk as much as I do, you're in luck.  Also,  if you haven't seen my new illustrated silk shirts or my tiny paintings, click on the ostrich shirt!  It will take you to my new shop for handmade goodies.


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