Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Paper Crane

I am spending the afternoon volunteering at my favorite new artist organiztion, the Paper Crane.  The place is relatively new, so foot traffic is low right now.  While I can selfishly use an hour or two for "personal time"  (like posting to my blog),  I wanted to take a minute to share with you some of the awesome artists who are a part of this collective.  If you ever pass through Bloomington, Indiana, you'll be lucky to find all of these wonderful things in one spot!

 Charming illustrations by Bloomington artist Katie Vernon, who can also be found on Etsy as ChipmumkCheeks

The painfully adorable and forlorn illustrations of Sally Harless, found on Etsy at  SadlyHarmless

The delightfully haunting photography of Mia Beach

 The delightfully snarky cross-stitch works of The Purple Hippo

Steampunk printed goods from Mythdeameanor 

Uniquely crafted journals, wallets and book safes from Conduit Press

Well, my internet connection is slow right now, so this is the first in a list of many Paper Crane installments.  Check out the organiztion's website, and if you're in Indiana, please stop by! 


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